Galette Parisienne Waffles – savoury version

To prepare:
In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine both types of flour, baking powder, salt and the egg yolks. Incorporate the melted butter, then add the milk. Mix together well to obtain a smooth batter. Beat the egg whites into stiff peaks and fold into the batter.
Preheat the waffle iron to 180 °C for 15 minutes.
Brush the irons with a light coat of oil. Place 4 to 6 portions of batter into the waffle iron to make small waffles. You can also add a large portion of batter to make a waffle the full size of the iron. Close the waffle irons and lock into position using the handles.
Cook for 1 min 45 secs.
Open the waffle iron and remove the waffles using a waffle pick. It is best to place the waffles on a rack to prevent them from going soft.
Chef’s tips and suggestions:
These waffles make an ideal savoury appetiser or even a meal depending on the size of the waffle ! You could also try using Galettes Parisiennes for a new take on the croque-monsieur or other hot sandwiches.