Bubble Waffles

This recipe makes 4 Bubble waffles using a suitable waffle maker.
Preparation of the Bubble waffle batter
Combine the flour, cornflour and the baking powder in a mixing bowl, then set aside. In a second mixing bowl, combine the milk, salt, vanilla sugar, vegetable oil, eggs and sugar.
Pour the liquid ingredients into the bowl containing the flours and mix vigorously until the mixture is smooth.
Leave to rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Baking the waffle batter
Preheat the waffle iron to 210 °C for 15 minutes.
Brush the irons with a light coat of oil. Use a ladle or jug to fill the iron on one side. Close the waffle irons and lock into position using the handles. Turn the irons over immediately.
Cook in this position for 2 minutes and 45 seconds.
Open the waffle iron and remove the waffle using a waffle pick. Rest the waffle in a cone-shaped stand in preparation for the filling. This cone shape will set as the waffle cools.
Chef’s tips and suggestions : You can serve the waffles with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a caramel sauce.